Thursday, June 18, 2009

2009 Coat's Disease Update

Haven't updated in a while because things have been uneventful. Which is a good thing. Joey had his last eye exam a couple of weeks ago and his Coats' eye remains stable. We'd like his eyesight to improve, but if it doesn't improve, staying the same is the next best thing.

The Dr's office had some "patching charts" available on which Joey can stick his patch each day and eventually the chart starts to look like a cool design. I bought three at $3/each. Really, they should have just handed them out, since they have pharmaceutical ads on them - seemed more like a promotional freebie-type item to me. But what the heck, I bought some. Here are some photos of the charts:

I know I've mentioned before that he really hates getting the eye drops that dilate his pupils. Oh, how he hates that!! It used to be that his eyes stayed dilated for a couple of days, but now it seems they're back to normal by the time he wakes up next morning. On the way home, he always wants to wear those disposable sunglasses that they office gives out to their patients. He prefers those, even though we've bought him a million "cool" sunglasses!

As for the results of his exam, his retina looks dry (which is good because it means no leakage), his vision remains the same, and the cataract has not grown. These are all good things. Glad its summer because patching will be easier (well, if not easier, at least we'll have more time to do it!).

When he was younger, he didn't care if others saw him while he patched. He'd play with other kids, we'd run errands, etc. Now he cares. Not too long ago I suggested he patch and go play with the neighbor kids (you know, multi-task!). He looked at me and said, " front of my FRIENDS?" I guess not.

Well, that's it for now - as I said, it's pretty status quo on the Coats Disease front. Just wanted to keep in touch with everyone who might be keeping up on us either because you know us, or because you are on a similar journey.

Til next time!

1 comment:

The Hislops! said...

Glad things are stable! We are due to see stuff keeps getting in the way...I can't remember if I had already told you that Zach will have to get his cataract removed in well as the oil splint that reattached the retina....Happy Summer!